Carrie-Anne Jones - Whisky Ambassador

Carrie-Anne Jones registered with Gemma Leitch, a Work Coach with the East Ayrshire Works service, in July 2020. In that time she has successfully undertaken professional training in the specialist drinks industry – becoming one of the first female Whisky Ambassadors in Scotland.

Not only did Carrie-Anne undertake her training during the many challenges of a global pandemic, she also passed her professional training with flying colours, showing the drinks industry and world of whisky that she is a ready to take on her next challenge and move in to a professional role in the specialist drinks industry.

Here is Carrie-Anne’s journey with East Ayrshire Works so far:

·      What training did you undertake with East Ayrshire Works?


The first part of my professional training that I undertook with East Ayrshire Works was the Whisky Ambassador Course.  The course was all online and gave me a fantastic introduction to the whisky world and how I could develop my knowledge further in the field.   After completion, I then travelled to Edinburgh to the Edinburgh Whisky Academy where I studied and completed the Diploma in Single Malt Whisky and the Diploma in the Art of Tasting Whisky. 

Tell us about your experience so far:   

I have always been passionate about all things whisky related and was keen to understand if I could pursue a career in the whisky industry and have always dreamt of working as an Ambassador one day. My experience so far has given me the opportunity to study whisky in the specialist drinks industry, gain knowledge on the subject I am most excited and passionate about and build my career around.

·       Now that you have completed your training, what are you hoping to achieve in the future?

My dream job would be a Whisky Ambassador for a locally based company that allowed me to travel the world and promote Scottish whisky. I would love to share my whisky knowledge with people from all over the globe and promote the amazing products we have in Scotland. A goal of mine would be to change people’s perception of whisky - that it’s not just the “strong man’s drink” and that it can be enjoyed by everyone. I feel there is a need for more female Scottish Whisky Ambassadors out there and I am delighted to be one of the first. I am actively pursuing local opportunities in the specialist drinks sector and am excited about my future in the upcoming months once the hospitality industry picks up again. I hope to be able to raise a glass with you all soon!

·       What advice would you give to anyone thinking of accessing training and employability support with East Ayrshire Works?

I have greatly enjoyed working Gemma Leitch, my Work Coach in Cumnock, at East Ayrshire Works. I have found the experience incredibly supportive and encouraging. My experience with EAW has made me more confident and has motivated me to pursue a career in something I have always been passionate about. I would recommend anyone to access training and employability opportunities through East Ayrshire Works and to get in touch as I did not so long ago.

Carrie-Anne Jones